Excerpt from Liviu’s Journal A few nights ago, I drove past the homeless shelter where I would take the youth from our church to minister. One of the sad things that hit me was that people were being turned away at the entrance because of COVID-19 or the Coronavirus as most of us know it….

Family Values

Parenting and representing Christ in our home has been something on my mind a lot lately. Setting values in your home is a very important topic when thinking about family or starting a family. These are areas that the parents need to discuss in order to establish a solid foundation. Here are some points take…

2018 Reflections

I found this letter in a box full of cards that I have saved over the years. I didn’t even know I had this until I was organizing the other day. I wrote this back in 2005 when I was 16 years old, explaining why I wanted to go on a mission trip to Romania….

Liviu’s Outlook from Ukraine Trip

A Desire to Hear the Word The first night in the Ukraine was one of the scariest nights of my life. I was working on the messages I would be preaching for the following day when one of the Ukrainian leaders called me outside to show me something. I went outside to see what he…

Always Been Faithful

These amazing lyrics by Sara Groves have really touched me tonight and maybe they will touch you too. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Morning by morning I wake up to find The power and comfort of God’s hand in mine Season by season I watch Him, amazed In awe of the mystery of…

The Devil’s Not Sleeping and Neither Should We

This past week has been a week full of obstacles and challenges to say the least. It all started a week before we were to leave for Romania. I will fill you in on the latest happenings. Early last Tuesday morning my brother’s car got stolen from his driveway. It was crazy. We all felt…

Pray for your Mate

It is easy to go day to day thinking of all the reasons why our mate is not holding up to their end of the bargain. I can be very critical towards my husband without even realizing it. I get upset when he is not home for dinner on time, gets a call to meet…

Looking Upward + Onward

I feel like the Lord has been revealing so much to me this summer. In a spiritual sense I have been coming up against some road blocks that satan has been trying to put in my way. It is clear that we are in a daily battle. Satan knows where our weak spots are and…

Overcoming Offense

There are many times in life when we have misunderstandings with others. Whether they are loved ones, friends, authority figures, colleagues… whoever it may be, misunderstandings happen. When this occurs we can either be offended or try to look at this situation in a different light. In my case it can happen often because I…


When I was eighteen years old and ready to go to college, the Lord gave a word to my mother. For those of you who know my mom, you know that when the Lord speaks to her, you better listen. She wrote it down in church one Sunday and gave it to me. I normally…